Putting Coke To The Test

Coke – Is It Really The Answer To Everything?

We’ve all heard how bad coke is: “It can strip coins . . . dissolve teeth . . . eat through metal . . . imagine what it’s doing to your stomach?” But the latest one I heard is that coke could be used to clean your toilet bowl. And that really made me think.

Okay, so if you’re toilet-squeamish, perhaps you should stop reading now. But if you’re mildly curious, read on because this weekend past, I did it. I put coke to the test. Read More…

It’s All About The Journey – Isn’t It?

Call me ambitious, but ever since I embarked on this writing lark I’ve aimed to earn a living from it. In my own mind I wouldn’t have succeeded as a writer if I wasn’t a) published, and b) making a career out of it.

Which was pretty stupid, really. I mean, hello. How many writers can say those two things? Even published authors (go you good things!) can’t often say they’re able to live on their earnings from writing.
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Tea Lovers Be Warned!

I felt so loved – better, understood – when Beloved gave me the ultimate tea-lover’s gift: a fancy glass teapot (you know, with the thingy in the middle for the tea leaves so you’ll never have to catch them between your teeth again) and a selection of very cool, very expensive teas to sample. Perfect! Now I could upgrade to gourmet tea guzzler while I slaved over my hot keyboard.

I quickly learned my caffeine lesson when I tried Vanilla Black Tea. I whipped up a pot, slurped down a first cup, loved it, and went back for seconds. Then thirds. (Well, it was Read More…

The Lure Of A Holiday . . .

We could all do with a holiday; I know that. But I needed one urgently. I started obsessing about it. If I didn’t get a holiday I’d . . . what? Throw tantrums? (already doing that) Go mad? (already there) Turn axe-murderess? (hmm, now, there’s a thought . . . )

Would it be murder or a holiday? I took the holiday option and booked flights quickly, before my partner or bank manager could disagree. Hell, I didn’t want to be responsible for any wayward axes.

Besides, I’d seen the magic words. CHEAP AIRFARES. I couldn’t resist. It sounded too good Read More…