Critical “To Do” List Before Conference

I’ve just realised with something close to horror that it’s now only one teensy month until the Romance Writers of Australia conference 2015. Which is very exciting (can’t wait!) but also rather nervewracking (won’t know many people) and a little bit panic-inducing (too much to do, too little time).

So . . . it’s time to write the critical To Do list. I’m nothing if not a list girl. Feel free to adapt for your own list-y purposes. :)

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Winter Wine? . . . Or Whine?

Here’s the thing: I do enjoy a cheeky red. Or a grunty red. I especially like a winter wine – you know, when you’re all rugged up with a book/kindle in hand and a smoooooth glass of red within easy reach? It almost makes winter bearable.

So it’s one of life’s injustices that all winter, every winter, I find myself fighting off colds, flus, and other vile ills. And I’ve tried that old kill-you-or-cure-you remedy, the one where you slug back alcohol in an attempt to drown the damn bug, and I’m here to tell you: It. Doesn’t. Work.

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