Write Or Die

Strictly Single Contest – entered. Manuscript request – sent. WIP finished – well, not quite.

But it’s getting there, thanks to a very cool online tool called Write or Die. It’s a hoot. ‘Gentle’ mode reminds you to keep typing if you stop for too long. ‘Strict’ mode shrieks some hideous noise at you (eg violin graunching, baby screaming). ‘Kamikaze’ starts deleting the words you’ve typed! I was so nervous (no; flat-out scared) I typed like a madwoman. And the words that spewed out were pretty mad, too. But – and here’s the thing – they were polishable. And post-polishing, I have to say I am pleasantly surprised. It worked. So – no more perfectionism for me. (Okay, I lie. But I promise I’ll try.) Not until at least the second draft.

A very timely reminder that writing is the most important thing I can do to enhance my writing career.

It’s All About The Journey – Isn’t It?

Call me ambitious, but ever since I embarked on this writing lark I’ve aimed to earn a living from it. In my own mind I wouldn’t have succeeded as a writer if I wasn’t a) published, and b) making a career out of it.

Which was pretty stupid, really. I mean, hello. How many writers can say those two things? Even published authors (go you good things!) can’t often say they’re able to live on their earnings from writing.
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RWNZ Conference

What a busy time it’s been! The RWNZ Annual Conference was held in Auckland last month, and as usual it was brimming with a-ha! moments.

Useful to writers across the board, in my book it’s an unmissable event for any writer on the road to publication. Catching up with online buddies was fantastic, and pitching to agents/editors was wildly exciting. But this year was also tinged with tragedy, and what stood out for me was the way we all came together and supported each other while ensuring the conference remained a success.

I’ve returned home to day-job deadlines, the usual kiddie clutter, three manuscript requests to send off, and a writing competition to enter. Best I get on with it!

Keeping Count

Christchurch’s earthquake tally since 4th September: 2158.

Maggie’s WIP tally to date: 11 chapters.

Days until Christmas: 64.

Likelihood of Maggie keeping her grip on sanity beyond Christmas: low. Let’s face it, I’ve got too much to do on the writing front, too much to do on the Christmas front, and with a fresh quake or three upsetting the routine most days – it’s a foregone conclusion. The all-expenses-paid vacation (complete with minimalist soft-sided room) will be mine!

Over 1000 Quakes? No way!

News? Um… well, we’re still here, rocking and rolling with no sign the aftershocks are about to stop. (Last count: 1111 quakes since 4th September.)

A few days last week were almost quake-free – and I didn’t like it. Not that I’m enjoying the aftershocks – but the sudden lack of them was weird. Then, on Saturday night, a cluster of four significant aftershocks. My nerves twanged straight back up to high-stress mode. And, just like that, we’re back in QuakeZone. Weird as it sounds, it’s almost a relief to feel them on a regular basis because last week’s eery quiet reminded me of scary monsters waiting in the shadows.

Writing news? This week I’m working on submissions to editors, and adding to my current WIP. Busy, busy!