Another Year Bites The Dust

Down here in Christchurch, New Zealand (aka QuakeZone), 2011 has been unforgettable – and not in a good way.

Admittedly, that first big quake – the one that set off all the others – was in 2010. But this year we’ve had literally thousands of aftershocks (some, incredibly, more violent than the original earthquake). We’ve shovelled silt and patched up our homes and grieved for lives lost and kept going because, really, what else could we do?
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Maggie’s Resolutions For 2010

Okay, I know I’ve said it before, but this year I really need to tone up and trim down. Which means a) exercise and b) self-restraint. Oh God. Suddenly 2010’s looking like one long, glaucomic tunnel of doom. I mean, hello. Exercise? When do I ever have time for that? And self-restraint? Can I even say it?

Well, 2010’s going to be the year when I learn, right? I can get up at six a.m. and lurch through a workout. Anything will do. Jogging, swimming, circuit training – whatever. Just sign me up. And if my kids have woken me multiple times during the night with a typical repertoire Read More…