A-Conference-ing We Will Go . . .

It’s been a busy couple of months for me. In August I went to the Romance Writers of Australia conference in Melbourne, Australia. Then September saw me in Palm Springs, California for the InD’Scribe conference. There was an author signing room at both conferences, so I spent the lead-up to both events neck-deep in designing giveaway items.

A sample of the promo items I gave readers.

There is soooooo much more to being a writer than the actual writing. I thought I knew that already, but every year the learning curve just keeps getting steeper! Turns out it helps to have some quick’n’dirty graphic design skills. And it’s handy to have research skills for finding the cheapest and best-quality promo gadgets.


Needless to say, writing took a back seat while I was pulling together my promo paraphernalia. Don’t be fooled by the pictures–this took me hours. And hours. And freaking hours. But I was really happy with the end result. Here’s the signing table I shared with fellow chick lit author Becky Monson at the InD’Scribe conference:

With bestselling author Becky Monson. Our light’n’fluffy chick lit table went down well with readers–as did the Whittakers chocolates all the way from New Zealand ;)

We had a lot of fun setting it up and working out how to achieve the ‘fun’ feel we were going for. But the best part of all was being able to chat with readers and other indie authors throughout the weekend. You all rock! Can’t wait for the next one! Maybe I’ll see you there. 😉


  1. 1

    You are a conference pro! As one who got to rub elbows with you in Palm Springs, I can attest to the many happy readers you entertained with your amazing presence and your awesome books :)

    • 2

      Aww Thanks, Geralyn! It really was the most amazing weekend! (Well. The most amazing week, really, since I arrived early and stayed on afterwards 😉 ) I loved meeting you face to face! Hopefully we’ll see you there again next year :)

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