A Life Less Duckey?

Okay, I admit it. I’m useless. I haven’t posted here for ages. The shame is killing me. No, really, it is. I know some of you need a dose of GirlTalk every now and then, if for no other reason than to remind you that your life is so much more sane than it could be. Because, let’s face it, my life is worse. It’s full of cringe-factor moments, weirder-than-fiction moments, so-stupid-she-doesn’t-deserve-to-live moments. I don’t know how, I don’t know why – it just is.

Which makes me wonder – is this my lot in life? Am I really going to go through life making blooper after laughable blooper, year in year out, until I drop dead with the exhaustion (or Read More…

Heroine Envy

I love movies. They’re all about escapism and, let’s face it, we all want to escape every now and then. (If you don’t want to escape – ie you love everything about your sweet little life just the way it is – then you’re an anomaly. You shouldn’t be reading this. And BTW, don’t even THINK about e-mailing me how sweet your life is, because I might be tempted to send hate mail.)

The best thing about seeing a movie is that I get to escape “me” for a while. No kids, no mortgage, no messy chaotic frenetic life, no panda eyes because I fell into bed without Read More…

Yummy Mummies Take A Hike

I blame the camping. Before camping I was functional. BC I was coping with life. BC I was zen mother and loving it. (Okay, maybe not the zen bit.)

And now? Now it ain’t pretty. Yummy Mummy? Hardly. Scrummy Mummy? Not at my place. Instead we have a Real Mummy scale, modelled on the richter scale with slightly less catastrophic results. And I can tell you right now that “scrummy” and “yummy” don’t feature (except in the Mummy’s-gorging-herself-on-food-again sense).

Here it is. The Real Mummy scale:
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