Presidents And Assholes

We had some friends around for a friendly (read “hellish competitive”) game of cards in the weekend, and I learned how to play Presidents and Assholes. (I have no idea how I missed learning it until now. I must have been very, very busy . . . writing, of course . . . )

Now, as soon as you hear the name you know it’s gonna be a goodie. And boy, is it a goodie! (Mostly because I became the President in the very first round! And managed to retain that lofty position for so many rounds the rest of the table started muttering about beginner’s luck gone mad.)
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Think You’re In Control?

Think again. We all have days that remind us we’re not Queen of the chessboard. Days when we feel like we’ve been backed into a corner, we’re about to be taken off the board, and we don’t know quite how it happened.

Take Wednesday, for example. My “post-the-Clendon-entry” day. I’m not likely to forget it any time soon. Here’s how it went:
* 1.30am (Tuesday night) – got to bed after finishing the novel.
* 3.00am – woken by baby for a feed.
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