Putting Coke To The Test

Coke – Is It Really The Answer To Everything?

We’ve all heard how bad coke is: “It can strip coins . . . dissolve teeth . . . eat through metal . . . imagine what it’s doing to your stomach?” But the latest one I heard is that coke could be used to clean your toilet bowl. And that really made me think.

Okay, so if you’re toilet-squeamish, perhaps you should stop reading now. But if you’re mildly curious, read on because this weekend past, I did it. I put coke to the test. Read More…

Winter Wine? . . . Or Whine?

Here’s the thing: I do enjoy a cheeky red. Or a grunty red. I especially like a winter wine – you know, when you’re all rugged up with a book/kindle in hand and a smoooooth glass of red within easy reach? It almost makes winter bearable.

So it’s one of life’s injustices that all winter, every winter, I find myself fighting off colds, flus, and other vile ills. And I’ve tried that old kill-you-or-cure-you remedy, the one where you slug back alcohol in an attempt to drown the damn bug, and I’m here to tell you: It. Doesn’t. Work.

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Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

So there I am, congratulating myself because my two offspring are finally (finally) enjoying each other’s company. They’re pretending to be other people, shrieking and giggling and having a ball. Then Miss Four says, “Hi, I’m Mummy and I have a very big bottom.”

In the gales of laughter that follow I suddenly realise – it doesn’t matter a damn how much slimmer you think you are than last week/month/year, your kids think you’re enormous regardless!

Want To Know Why I’ve Been AWOL?

You’d think God would be kinder to me. I mean, s/he’s thrown half a dozen significant earthquakes at me in the past nine months (hell, by comparison even pregnancy’s fun), and we’re being put through thousands of aftershocks, not to mention the loss of job security. Our city’s broken. Isn’t that enough?

I took on a part-time job. Just a little one. Hell, it barely even counts as a job! But it’s enough to let us have takeaways on a Friday night without a dose of the guilts – and that, folks, is a Big Deal for us just now.
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