Today I reveal all, over at Mrs N’s Princess Of The Light blog! 😉
(You’ll even find out how this suited guy has affected me . . .)
(Nothing to do with the naked bit, I promise!)
Today I reveal all, over at Mrs N’s Princess Of The Light blog! 😉
(You’ll even find out how this suited guy has affected me . . .)
(Nothing to do with the naked bit, I promise!)
Sunday 15th March 2015.
It’s a day I’ll remember for a very long time. After I published my debut novel – literally the push of a keyboard button – and experienced the total, utter flatness of not properly celebrating my first book’s release, I promised myself I would do it properly for book two.
So I did. I hired a venue, issued invitations, organised catering, shipped in boxes of books, and angsted over excerpts. Actually, I angsted over everything, but particularly over excerpts.
But after all that angsting, it was a wonderful occasion. I had a blast!
Don’t you just love this cover?
The Trouble With Dying is discounted to 99c for the next seven days, so take advantage of it! Grab a copy – and one for your kindle-reading friend 😉 – on Amazon
A Heat Of The Moment Thing has finalled in The Maggie Award (Published) for 2014, in the Novel With Strong Romantic Elements category! Woot! Results coming in October . . .
(PS Don’t you think I deserve a placing, just because of the name? 😉 )