Sunday 15th March 2015.
It’s a day I’ll remember for a very long time. After I published my debut novel – literally the push of a keyboard button – and experienced the total, utter flatness of not properly celebrating my first book’s release, I promised myself I would do it properly for book two.
So I did. I hired a venue, issued invitations, organised catering, shipped in boxes of books, and angsted over excerpts. Actually, I angsted over everything, but particularly over excerpts.
But after all that angsting, it was a wonderful occasion. I had a blast!
With a crowd of 100 there to see my shaking hands and hear my dry-mouthed excerpts, I introduced The Trouble With Dying to the world. (Well, my little corner of it.)
Best of all, though, my writing buddy and talented photographer, Peter Walker of Three Chairs Photography, was there taking snaps of the afternoon. Thank you so much, Peter!