We Remember

It seems incredible to me that ten years has already passed since 9-11 stopped being my friend’s birthday and became instead a symbol of terrorism.

Ten years since I woke to images so horrifying, so emotionally overwhelming that I struggled to comprehend them.

Ten years since I waited by the phone for news of our cousins, who were in transit to the States (from New Zealand). Ten years since I went into work, wondering how I could possibly answer the questions I knew my students would have. Ten years since I, thousands of miles
away, felt rage and grief and fear and helplessness and could only imagine what those directly affected were going through.

The fallout from the Christchurch earthquakes (and ongoing aftershocks) over the past year has been enormous, and my life and attitudes to all sorts of things have changed as a result. But it’s far easier for me to “normalise” or accept the havoc wreaked by Mother Nature than the deliberate destruction wreaked by people on other people.

So – yes. I remember. And I grieve for what we all lost on 9-11-01.

When you hear 9-11, what does it bring to mind for you?