“The Fling Thing” Cover Reveal!

So there I was, writing the sequel to A Heat Of The Moment Thing, when I suddenly realised I wanted to write the prequel. The Fling Thing wouldn’t be novel-sized, but would be more meaty than a short story. The words flew off my fingers, probably because it had been in my head for so long. Oh, to write that fast all the time! Read More…

A-Conference-ing We Will Go . . .

It’s been a busy couple of months for me. In August I went to the Romance Writers of Australia conference in Melbourne, Australia. Then September saw me in Palm Springs, California for the InD’Scribe conference. There was an author signing room at both conferences, so I spent the lead-up to both events neck-deep in designing giveaway items.

A sample of the promo items I gave readers.

There is soooooo much more to being a writer than the actual writing. I thought I knew that already, but every year the learning curve just keeps getting steeper! Turns out it helps to have some quick’n’dirty graphic design skills. And it’s handy to have research skills for finding the cheapest and best-quality promo gadgets.

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Chick Lit May – Book Giveaway


May is International Chick Lit Month. Let’s be honest—it’s the best month of the year! Every year, chick lit readers and writers get together to celebrate, share, discuss and gush about their favourite book genre. Not familiar with chick lit or Chick Lit Month? Visit internationalchicklitmonth.com for more information.

This year marks the fifth anniversary of ICLM. To celebrate, a bunch of enthusiastic authors got together and made an infographic to help readers find their next chick lit read.
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The Trouble with Dying Available Now!!

Woo HOO!!! It’s Friday down here in New Zealand and that means The Trouble With Dying is now LIVE ON AMAZON!
The Trouble with Dying E-book

Don’t you just love this cover?

I am so in love with this cover! Kellie Dennis of Book Cover By Design, you are amazing! #geniusalert

The Trouble With Dying is discounted to 99c for the next seven days, so take advantage of it! Grab a copy – and one for your kindle-reading friend 😉 – on Amazon http://amzn.com/B00QTAAGFY.